

The core of the Omega Runner universe is its 2D high fidelity character collection. Each Runner in the collection is nation specific - from Quorin, Avalonian Union, Laurentiaan Province, Gon'Dwanna, or some combination thereof. A Runner's traits, clothing, and backgrounds reflect the culture and the community they race for. Holding a Runner is the key to the Omega universe, providing full access to our Media3-ecosystem as we curate unique experiences in the digital and physical world. Omega Runner characters will be minted on the Ethereum blockchain and utilize layer zero technology.

The First Edition NFT (1ED), launched Sep 2022, is for the fastest of Runners. 1ED perks include first access to the Writers’ Room with Blaise (screenwriter, producer, and co-creator of Omega Runner) and company, all comic releases, and future lore related alpha and activations.

**Prior to Mint: All 1ED holders get a free claim to an Omega Runner.

On our website!

A mint link will be provided on Twitter and in Discord closer to launch day.

TBD, but watch Twitter and Discord for the most up to date information regarding the drop.

Omega RUNNER is minted on Ethereum, but utilizes Layer Zero technology (

1ED perks include first access to the Writers’ Room with Blaise and company, to all comic releases, and to future lore related alpha and activations.

If you hold a 1ED at the time of the character collection mint, you are eligible to claim an Omega Runner for free.

Issues #1 and #2 are available at Holders can also read all of the comics in the Vault ( by connecting with a metamask wallet that holds either a 1ED or Omega Runner character. The Vault will contain new editions in advance of them being published on the website.

You can stay up to date on all of our community events and discussions on Twitter or Discord. Links at the top right.